What Is the 'Extended L-Track' and How Does it Work?
Those of us who have been in the massage chair market, researching the features and technology of the newest and most innovative new chairs on the market are likely familiar with terms like ‘S’ and ‘L’ Track. For others however, the distinction between these two is less obvious. S and L tracks refer to the roller track that extends from the head down to the low back and for some, in the case of the L track, to the thighs and glutes. The track of a massage chair is what carries the rollers up and down the length of the backrest. The rollers that travel from head to glutes move along the track laterally and vertically, creating kneading, tapping and knocking motions. While most massage chairs come equipped with an S-Track, several models now feature an L or SL-Track. What exactly is the difference? Well, let me explain.
An S-Track takes its name from the ‘sinusoidal’ shape of the human spine. S-Track roller systems allow rollers to follow the curvature of the spine as they move up and down your back. This modality afford a considerable amount of comfort for the user as the rollers do not simply move up and down without paying attention to the details of the human body.
Alternatively, the L-Track roller system is famous for the way the rollers now reach down the back to extend underneath the seat, massaging the thighs and glutes. The L-Track is also known as the extended roller track as it is simply an S track that extends to the top of the hamstrings. Chairs equipped with an L-Track of SL-Track can work on the glutes, piriformis and the hamstring muscles with as much precision and intensity as they work on the neck, mid and lower back. You may want to consider purchasing a chair with an L-Track if you have piriformis syndrome or sciatica secondary to the pelvic musculature.
What you may not know is that every chair, even if it is simply listed as an L-Track chair, still uses the S-Track but simply extends beyond it. The difference between extended L-track designs and traditional S-Track chairs is the experience of full body relaxation. For someone wishing to feel their entire body, head to toe, massaged in calculated rhythms, the L-Track is the track for you. The moment you try an S-Track and L-Track to compare the performance of each, you will notice there is a qualitative difference between them. If it is luxury you seek, the extended L-Track has got you covered - literally!